Blaugust Day 1 - Conquering Fears

So, this is what Blaugust feels like. 

Veeeery interesting. 

When I first heard of Belghast's Blaugust challenge (link to initiative page right here), I was immediately on the "Oh no, I can't do this" notion until last night, just as the evening hit. I looked over the initiative page again and considered the fact that I'll be internetless for two days, then at PAX for four days at the end of the month. Was this going to really work out? 

My answer: Probably not. My decision: Totally doing this Blaugust thing. 

My struggle as a blogger is getting posts out in a timely fashion. May was a fantastic month for this site, for instance, since I was getting posts out every two to three days. June wasn't so hot, and neither was July. I started having lapses of five or six days between posts, and while a blog can truly be a journal of one's journey - including the presence of laziness and procrastination - I really wanted to be read when I did put out content. 

I guess that's one of the things that made me so nervous about Blaugust. This wasn't another crazy scheduling procedure that I would be pressured to use for my own benefit - Blaugust is a pretty crazy challenge to get content out and get it out often - even on the daily! I'm fairly scared that I'll chicken out about getting things out often, but I'm confident that the positive pressure of Blaugust will be my friend. That said, there's a lot going on this month, including two conventions, one of which is gaming related, so I'll have plenty to talk about. But for now, I have the opportunity to freak out in a few sentences about how I'm thinking I could possibly, just maybe, with a lot of hope...succeed.

What am I planning to post about this month? Well, I've decided to open it up a little bit from gaming. Besides covering my D&D sessions (there will be three to cover, this month) I have an interesting D&D tidbit to write up. I've also gained a press code for Feist that I'll be using to review the game as a big feature this month. I'll also be writing about my costuming, my failed Camp NaNoWriMo attempt, and my history with blogging as a topic itself. I'm very excited to share some of the opinions I've felt restricted by my blog topic, and I hope you'll all enjoy the posts as much as I enjoy writing them.

I've decided that I'm in on Blaugust for the content. I hope that I'll come out of the month with new tips and tricks, all the wiser from blogging about what I'm up to every day. I'm not alone, too, since there are so many people on the Nook and on social media cheering one another on. There's a lot I'm looking forward to writing about this month, so here's to August!

Are you participating in Blaugust? How's it going? What are you excited for?


  1. Heh, I had the same notion last year right as Blaugust was starting up. Was I actually going to be able to go from wayward blogging to daily posts for a month? Eh, I'm nuts enough, let's do it.

    Good luck this month, and don't stress it too much if your real-life events overcome the ability to get all 31 posts out. Or perhaps those activities will provide as good source material for more blog posts? Either way, enjoy it!

    1. Hey there! Always nice to see a new face in the comments section. My number one concern right now is that I have an internetless trip coming up too soon for me to prepare posts in advance, so I'm scrambling to ask for guest posts or get some other solution. Otherwise, the event itself should provide great post fodder.

      Good luck, yourself! :)

  2. I can't say I'm officially participating but I am sort of doing so unofficially... I've been blogging every day for last few months as a personal challenge and I intend to keep it up! :)

  3. It helps a lot to branch out a bit, and the whole process helps to shake off some of the misgivings you might've had about what you can put on your blog or how your content ought to be. I think it's a good step, for all bloggers, in that sense. It's an opportunity to justifiably experiment and not have fans or colleagues worry you are losing it!

    1. Are you saying fans don't think I'm losing it? This is news. This is news, indeed. (Thanks for stopping by. :P)

  4. Your alarm looks like the kind of alarm I set for myself. I approve.

    1. My past strings of alarms have included:

      5:30 - Get up and do something productive you lazy bum
      5:45 - I'm sorry, I love you, please get up


      6:00 - Get up
      6:05 - No, I'm serious


      5:45 - 17 Missed Calls from Mom

  5. Replies


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