'Tis the Season Contest, Courtesy of Ravenwood Radio!

'Tis the season, Travelers! 

That's right - this holiday season, I wanted to give back to all of you, so I'm going to hold a very special contest! Wizards will be very pleased at what I have to offer, and I have one last code from Marco Pollo's Map for all of ye pirate-y ones. Not only do I have the code prizes, but I'm giving them away in different ways, and I'll still have a few of my more creative prizes on hand! Read on!

Alright, so here's what's on the line! 

TEN (you heard me, TEN!) Staves of the Imperator, courtesy of RR. Stephen kindly gave me extra codes when I mentioned this contest, after I won one from episode 76. THANK YOU RAVENWOOD RADIO!!

TWO holiday/winter-themed headers for blogs!

Here's the Rafflecopter, but there's MORE up ahead!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Alright, now that I've discussed the Rafflecopter, here are the next prizes, all available via contest:

ONE Marco Pollo's Map code! Remember when people everywhere were giving these away - this might be your last chance for one! This code is good for ONE account to get a Ninja Pig companion for P101, and they really are amazing!

ONE Mystery Fanfiction-related Prize! This prize relates to my fanfiction series, The Sky's Ransom (trilogy). Part of the first story has been posted on the Pirate101 site, and I need some help developing a part of my plot!

To obtain one of these prizes, enter the following contest:

'Tis the Season Short Stories!

Here's the scenario: You're a pirate, part of a crew sailing towards the Presidio, when your friend sees something above you - a storm cloud! Wait, this isn't an ordinary storm cloud, it's a SNOW cloud! Almost immediately after you notice, the ice stars pelting your ship. What happens now? 

First place gets their pick of the prizes, second place gets the other. I will judge this contest. All winning entries will be posted, so please make it appropriate. Minimum 10 words, maximum 1000 words. Send it in to my e-mail at swashbucklersoultamer@gmail.com

Good luck to all entries, and thank you again to RR!



  1. fire breating jacklopes for me. you are not alone lol, i m up for something different this christmas as well

  2. Wow,you surprised me with you last Ninja Pig companion code and using it now.

  3. Fire breathing Jack-Rabbits for me! Where should I keep them? An active volcano? Or a lush forest? Or a frozen pond? (I'd also like some HP Noble Collection items)

  4. Snow and Mounts, because without them the Christmas celebration will be ruin.



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