
I did not grow up playing video games.

So many people I know can say opposite. That they were born with an NES or Atari in their little hands. Considering that every step taken throughout my life has landed me right here, right now, I wouldn't wish otherwise, but it's sometimes daunting (and if not, just extremely fascinating) to see myself just starting to play video games in a community of people who seem to know it all.

Like I mention ceaselessly in my posts, my exposure to most any kind of game has been dreadfully low, and it's still a genre that I have to learn to play. However, it's exciting, and I've been loving it every step of the way (or every death of the way, considering how I've been going). Something that I feel is special to me is that I take with me not only the initiative to play games, but to learn to love every kind as I expose myself to more and more. I know friends who only played platformers or only played FPSes when they were littler and stick to those now...I want to be able to pick as much as I can up, so I try to immerse myself in as much as I can.

What made me a gamer was the newfound ability to lose myself in a world. To, for a little while, transfer my consciousness, my character, and my skills to that of mine in a game is one of the most restful things I've felt myself able to do while awake. Games for me mean that I have a way to express myself while at the same time ridding myself of life stresses to practice a skill. What keeps me a gamer today is that I can use my enthusiasm from playing to share with the world my excitements and thoughts.

Thank you for sharing that dream with me.

I'm a Liebster Award winner!

Please don't ask me to write about #Gamergate. I'm here to blog and play games. I'm a strong believer in ending suffering and promoting well-being and wisdom; I refuse to further an issue according to any perspective. Yes, I'm female. Yes, I play and write about games. Get over yourself. If it's not going to be positive, get the hell off of my site. 


  1. "But what the descriptions were missing were the sinuous paths of flowery description, the utter poetry of written word that turns a sentence into an adventure to take" WOW that was just beyond lovely. Your way of painting these magnificent works of inner visual masterpieces never ceases to amaze me.

    1. Thank you, Chrissy! I love the word 'sinuous' - it leads to so many new, wonderful words.

  2. I'm not mentioned? Insulted. <3

    1. "Guy Whose Old Blog I Once Made Into My Own Fanbase"


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