Blog of Note: Pirate101 Mania!

Victor - second from left, in Tribal gear
Over the weekend, I got in-game and celebrated the first blogoversary of Pirate101 Mania, an unofficial fansite run by Victor Hawkins. As I was browsing through the content, I was impressed with the quick distribution of news and how smoothly Victor's creative voice flows. I thought to myself, "Hmm...this site needs more appreciation. Why not write something up?".
On Sundaya, I got the honor of e-mailing Victor Hawkins back and forth - I must thank him for being up at such an awkward time - discussing possibilities as a Blog of Note. Today, I am proud to announce the next blog of note as Pirate101 Mania!
Pirate101 Mania is a non-official Pirate101 website dedicated to spreading the news and buzz about Pirate101. Its owner, Victor Hakins, was very kind as to answer a few questions. Here goes!

Destiny's Travels: So, who are you?

Victor Hawkins: I'm a Pirate101 Beta player, started playing on the 24th of August of 2012, I joined P101 Central on the day P101 was announced, 25th of April of last year under the name of TugaPirate (tuga is an abreviation of portuguese here in Portugal), I was pretty excited, so, to help the community, I started a blog, which recently made one year called Pirate101 Mania. My main character is a Buccaneer named Victor Hawkins, I also have my level 6 Musketeer named Zane Vinter and lastly a Witchdoctor named Kevin Barclay.

DT: What is your incentive in blogging? Why does it matter to you? 

VH: I find every thing amazing in Pirate101, and I just feel like I must share the news, I must share my ideas, and see other's ideas, I need to socialize with people who like what I like, and that's pretty important to me and maybe to most bloggers.

DT: Your profile states that you're in Portugal. What is different about blogging and playing Pirate101? 

VH: Well, first off, I'm a crowns player, and I win crowns through contests. Now, don't get me wrong, I wish I could pay, but the first time I paid with a Visa Card for Wizard101, it got suspended, because as it seems, here in Portugal, the Wizard101 website is a malicious website (even though it isn't) so that's the only way I can advance in the game. I decided that I had to do something for KI in trade, so I started my own blog so I could help Pirate101 get noticed, and shared it with my friends, that's the only way I can thanks KI. If there are events at night on the U.S on P101, I can't join since it's normally 2-6 AM here in Portugal. Sometimes the news of P101 can come lastly on my blog or first, depends when KI announces it, but it's rarely at the same time.

DT: What is your opinion of the possible activity of wizards in our pirates' timelines? 

VH: Sincerely, I don't think it would fit Pirate101 the best, I think Witchdoctors are kind of wizards here in Pirate101, the games should stay apart, of course, keep the references coming, who doesn't like them?

DT: What advice can you give to new and fellow Pirate101 bloggers?

VH: Well, don't worry if your blog starts very small, we all started like that didn't we? Just go publishing your news, ideas and share them, even though you think nobody is seeing them, get blog partners, that will help alot, and try to share your blog with your friends, who knows, you may get some fellow readers, just don't rush it, and do it the best you can!

DT: Lastly, can I have your autograph? Please? 

VH: Yeah sure, let me just take one of my cards out of the desk *looks at desk* "Dang it Ratbeard, stop cutting my cards!".

Hahaha! Thanks, Victor, for your time, and happy blogoversary! I found Victor to be a very nice person to be around who always had something to say and I can't wait to attend another one of his parties. Say hello to Victor on Central, and don't forget to visit Pirate101 Mania for all the latest news!

Keep Traveling!

