Zafarian Madness! (Day 1)

   Hey everybody! Sorry I broke my daily posting habit, I've been questing in Zafaria as much as I could over the past few days. You'll read more on this later. In the meantime, here's your latest news!

   Recently, Forbes released this interesting article , featuring Todd Coleman, who explains the success of Wizard101 through his own perspective. I just started reading it today (a bit late, I'm sorry), and I'm impressed!
   In honor of this article, KingsIsle announced in the Ravenwood News that likes, tweets of this article could result in players receiving gold - and maybe a new pet! That made a LOT of wizards start liking and tweeting, to the point that every player that logs into the game this weekend will receive 2,500 gold! (1 per acct) (Seeing this, I remembered when 1,000 gold was a big deal to me - back when I was a newer player.)
   However, based on this Wizard101 Page, there is a new goal for the liking and tweeting wizards - and it take the form of a followup article! If, through our efforts, reach 15,000 Facebook shares, wizards will receive a Storm Beetle pet! If the shares reach 20,000; then wizards will receive a Brave Hound! Heads up bloggers, KI did state that these pets would come in code form. If the codes aren't the universal same-one-for-everybody kind, then this could mean future contests! (however, I feel that the codes will be the same :(  )

Anyhow, read more to hear about my further Zafarian adventures, KU updates, and a new part of Skyway Light! Thanks for reading!

Zafarian Madness (Day 1)

I'm experimenting with a slideshow :)

Me and Ganesha
 Now, I didn't put this photo in the slideshow because I wanted to talk about it for a second. While you may think that the subject is my wizard, the real purpose of this photo was to get a picture of the statue behind her.
Edited picture of
a close relative's unfinished
statue of Ganesha
  In the Hindu religion, Ganesha is the elephant-headed god of beginnings, or removing obstacles. I'm not going to go very long about that, but notice how the statue behind me is indeed an elephant headed figure sitting cross-legged like a human being (yes, that means wizards too) would. Also notice the headdress, which (to match the Zafarian theme, is African-style) is also a way to recognize Ganesha.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures and the little lesson! Fun post to write!

KingsIsle Universe

We are still in need of many staffmembers, including Forum Designers. At the moment, we are working on the pages and getting them set up. Ria is very busy with a lot of graphics, I'm looking through the pages, trying to at least act like an editor. (Hope I'm doing OK) The thing is that what we need are those staffmembers, so if you could apply for one that you could do, that would be great!

Skyway Light

“Ye're into the swords, eh Des?” Daniel let a shaft of light shine into the weaponry storage room, thus waking me up with a start. After rubbing the grit out of my eyes and standing up, I remembered my constant marvel – and constant singing - around the swords and Waponi spears, and that I slumped into a corner (I guess), falling asleep. I yawned and stumbled out of the room, probably knocking something over on my way out.
The wind hit me like a bag of flour, maybe, blowing me back from my knees to my shoulders, making my body curve into a C. The sun also effectively blinded me. Helpless, I felt for my sword. Where was Daniel?
“Ye won't be needing that, Puppet.” Something MASSIVE pushed my knees forward, and I doubled over to my hands and knees, my vision just starting to clear up as a blindfold roughly brushed up on my face. Taking a chance, I somersaulted forward and thrusted my legs up, landing on my feet with arms outstretched as I exhaled sharply. Somewhere in front of me, I heard footsteps trudge ahead. Turning around, unsure of who, or what (now that I thought about it) was circling me, I desperately felt for my sword, or at least the sheath; none of which were found. I scampered, and partially tripped, a few steps and scowled, thinking for once. I removed the blindfold, asking myself about my ignorance moments before. The first thing that came into sight were teeth. It made sense, because if something MASSIVE knocked me over, then that thing had to have MASSIVE teeth, too.
Blasted Pisceans. “What, may I ask, are all doing here?” I piped up quietly. Around me, several blue-hued Pisceans grinned maniacally, just as I had expected. “And what have you done with Morgan and Daniel, you thugs!?”
“Alessio,” The shark who had called me 'Puppet' beckoned. Struggling behind another Piscean's grip was none other than Daniel, sweat lining his brow.
“They be fast, Destiny.”
“The ship be faster!” I heard a female voice bark. I turned to the sails instinctively.

Keep Traveling!
